
What You Need to Know About the Victim Compensation Fund
David Eisbrouch

Monetary awards are available to eligible claimants

The VCF, as it's called, is a federally funded program providing monetary compensation to eligible people who were sickened or injured because of their proximity to the 9/11 disaster area during the specified time period. 

Certain criteria must be met

There is a well-established process to demonstrate to the VCF that you are eligible for compensation. Our experienced attorneys can help you with all aspects of applying. 



1. Where you were

There is a designated 'exposure zone,' which the VCF defines as the area of lower Manhattan south of Canal Street/ East Broadway/ Clinton Street. Routes of debris removal, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, PA are other eligible exposure zones. 


2. When you were there

You must have been present at one of these sites at some point between September 11, 2001, and May 30, 2002. 


3. The nature of your injury or illness

You must be able to show that you developed a 9/11-related illness or injury on the list of covered conditions of the WTC Health Program. There are many types of cancer, respiratory illness, and other conditions on this list. 


What compensation is available? 

In the event of a successful monetary recovery, the VCF compensates for:

  • Loss of earnings and/or employer-provided benefits
  • Pain and suffering (non-economic losses)
  • Past out-of-pocked medical expenses (that exceed $2,000) incurred because of the eligible condition 
  • Certain eligible household-related services/replacement services



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